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The Colors Remain

Mighty in future

Baby jaguar (Panthera onca, jaguar) from ZOO Berlin, Germany :D

If you ask if it was difficult to snap this cat, then yes, it was XD it was taken through tripple fence.


:spotlight-left: STUFF I SELL OR OFFER FOR FREE :spotlight-right:

:bulletblue: And I offer you WOLF PHOTO CALENDAR 2013 FOR FREE! Just :+fav: it, please :aww:

I sell a colourful mug edition with wolf, fox and big cats photos! :aww:

Thank you for your comments and faves :hug:


Name: Jaguar (Panthera onca)
Location: South and Central America
Size: 180 cm long body weight: 120 Kg
Diet: capybaras, peccaries, fish, crocodiles, turtles, sloths, monkeys, tapirs, deers, snakes, but also domesticated cattle and horses...
Conservation status: Near Threatened
Interesting facts: Jaguar is the biggest feline of America| jaguars have very huge and powerful jaws | there are two colour variations of jaguars – yellow and black, which is called “melanism form“. The black colour is caused by recessive allele and is rerar than normal yellow colouring | the mother gives birth to 2-4 cubs and she does not tolerate the presence of a male, who is a threath to baby kittens | jaguars live up to 12-15 years | jaguars swim perfectly


More similar pictures:


To see more, look at my BIG CATS GALLERY :aww:

This photo belongs to me and I can very easily prove, that it was me, who took this shot. So please, respect my copyright :nod: if you want to use my work, ask me first to gain my permission, please! Thank you :lol: to say it clearly: it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to use and repost my photos!

Ayane - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

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New cosplay debut! Ayane from Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Costume made/modeled by Yaya Han
Photography by Paul Tien
Wig sponsored by Arda Wigs ([link]

A front shot of the new Ayane costume I busted out for Fanime. I do mean busted out... this was made in 3 days because of my hectic convention travel schedule this year. I tried to be as detail oriented and anal about the construction of this costume as all my usual costumes, and the only way this got done in time was because I had most of the materials at home already, and thought ahead to get the shoes, wig, and Fuma Kodachi swords in time.
Cosplay often goes beyond just the time needed to craft, but also material scouting, waiting for ordered items to come in, and figuring out how to attach things. I got really lucky with Ayane, in that only the skirt had to be remade (twice lol) and everything else came together and fit on the first run.

In case you're not familiar with the character: [link]

As you can see, I made the costume more modest than the design, omitting the cut out in the front of the bodice, and adding a sheer layer in the skirt. I think it still reflects the character and represents the detailed game design. Don't ever be afraid to modify a costume if you don't feel comfortable wearing it. We cosplay for many reasons, the main one being love for a character. Replicating costumes 100% of only one facade of cosplay, it often is more challenging, fun and creative to translate a design from a rendered source to a working fitted garment, and it's perfectly ok to take artistic license. I see a lot of cosplays being more sexualized than their designs, and I think it's totally cool to modesty-fy a costume as well.

Lago Antorno IR - I

<div align="center"> :daprints: Print available!

2012.07.23, Lago Antorno, Dolomites, Italy.

Tre Cime (Drei Zinnen) reflecting in a small lake (Lago Antorno) in infrared. First I thought this shot wasn't a keeper because the lighting wasn't even across the frame - the mountain isn't lit - but with the clouds behind the Tre Cime the overall contrast works better this way actually. If it was lit, the iconic peak wouldn't pop out this much. :nod:

Nikon D90-IR - Nikon 10-24 @ 14 mm - f/8 - 1/80 sec - iso 320 - B+W 093 IR filter - NEF - Capture NX 2.2.6 - PS/CS6

More infrared photos from the 3rd day of my Dolomites trip:

Check out the rest of my gallery! :gallery:

Disclaimer: This photograph is not stock. You are not allowed to use my work in any way.


To the lands of the previous day

Genghis Khan statue Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. / Photo: William - Edit: me

Musical Accompaniment: Nadishana - Kuckhermann - Metz trio, "SHU KHUR" [link]

Marco Polo descrive un ponte, pietra per pietra.
- Ma qual è la pietra che sostiene il ponte? - chiede Kublai Kan.
- Il ponte non è sostenuto da questa o da quella pietra, - risponde Marco, - ma dalla linea dell'arco che esse formano. Kublai Kan rimase silenzioso, riflettendo. Poi soggiunse: - Perché mi parli delle pietre? È solo dell'arco che mi importa.
Polo risponde: - Senza pietre non c'è arco.

dal libro "Le città invisibili" di Italo Calvino

© Copyright Info

All material in my gallery may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded without my written expressed permission. If you would like to use it for an artistic or commercial work, please contact me.


My InuKag Fanbooks

Just got another fanbook in the mail of the wedded couple InuKag and I do have to say I'm definitely getting a lot of inspiration out it.

These fanbooks means a lot especially for a fan like myself but to show my respect to the author of them, please don't ask me the following:

*Where did you buy them?
*Where is this website?
*Will you scan these pages for everyone to see?
*Who is this author?

All of these I'm NOT going to answer to anyone, my solid promise to the author was I'm not going to share any of that information in exchange she would sell me her fanbooks to someone who lives in the states like me. She personally knows that there are people online who does use Japanese fanarts online and posts them on their own sites, or use them without any permission. I would personally hate that too, if I was in her case.

but....in return I will share my inspiration I receive from these fanbooks to my fancomic and fanarts so at least that is something in return.

Anyway, hope to draw more real soon for you guys, when I'm off again next week. (only for 2 days)



Model - Alivya V Free
Hair and MUA - model
Photography and edit - me

Preview for upcoming Zivity set
use the passcode 'zivityuk' at www.zivity.com/join/passcode for a free trial to check out the site.

Please respect the model.

Want to buy a print of this? All the images in my gallery are for sale through me, just message me.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE © Kitty Wood @ Pirate Photography 2008-2013
This is image is copyright and may not be used or edited in any way without express written permission. Please respect copyright law

Syo Kurusu


Inspired by a IG picture taken by a fellow bjd owner.
It was a anime Magazine with UTA NO PRINCE characters inside in casual outfits~
so I got inspired and dressed up 5 of my boys to look "similar " to the outfit
that the character wore~

but I got to say look wise and character height dressing attitude..
Nathan pull off as Syo the best~!

^ picture of the character from the anime UTA NO PRINCE ;;

sorry to those Uta no prince fans if I ruin it /bows/



Tour the world


Fixed in place by Sams piercing glare....

Banham Zoo.

This one!

She went with a white and regular chocolate cupcake. went to a nearby star bucks, got some water, and enjoyed our treat.


+Let's Have A Kiki

Hoy casi me agarro de los pelos con una tipa>:c ajsdn bien fina yo u.u, es que estaba saliendo de la escuela, todo normal e.e hasta que volteo & veo una playera de 1D donde estaban los 5 & de mi tallaaaa kjasnf entonces fui corriendo a preguntar cuánto costaba, me lleve jalando al niño que se va conmigo xd pero las viejas esas no me hacía caso, luego llegó 'Rut' una tipa que me cae re mal, llegó buscando una con la cara de Harry, & a mi seguían sin hacerme caso, luego vio la que yo quería, & me dijeron que costaba $70, yo tenía como $35 pero pedí prestado para juntar ._. & cuando ya tenía el dinero ella la apartó & yo como que 'MIERDA D:', para colmo era la única donde estaban los 5:c entonces me molesté & la vi feo >:c luego le dije que me la dejara, porque no tengo ninguna, & me dijo que igual la quería, pero NI SIQUIERA ES DIRECTIONER, osea, solo le gustan .l. & ta, me fui de ahi molesta porque si no fuera por las putas viejas que no me hacían caso yo la hubiera ganado:c
Era hermosa t.t en fin, este blend se lo dedico a las hermosa Vero:'3 ~FeelsTheMusic dkfn te quiero mucho Vero, eres de las primeras personas que conocí acá & pues te tengo mucho cariño♥ además te lo prometí c':


Darkness within...

I was bored and i just played a bit with photoshop and from a random picture i took from myself, made this. x)

It's really hard to talk about emotions with words so... i think a picture is much more expressive~

Made with Photoshop CS7
brush used: [link]
Photo and edit by me



Pictures on my Phone

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