Featured in PhotoExtract.com Photography magazine, #1 Google+ photos for May 1st [link]
Well, I finally got my snowy Bison photo that I have been chasing all year long. Sure, I got others previously but, it wasn't the shot I had been looking for. Managed to snag this one at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge in Denver, Colorado on a heavy wet snow filled day. I loved the atmosphere...something about that gray and very subtle light which lit him up like a torchlight. Such amazing animals, it's amazing to think millions used to roam our landscape.....
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Well, I finally got my snowy Bison photo that I have been chasing all year long. Sure, I got others previously but, it wasn't the shot I had been looking for. Managed to snag this one at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge in Denver, Colorado on a heavy wet snow filled day. I loved the atmosphere...something about that gray and very subtle light which lit him up like a torchlight. Such amazing animals, it's amazing to think millions used to roam our landscape.....

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