I have photographed this man a few times, his face fascinates me, the lines and folds in his skin, the glisten in his eyes they belay his years. You know he has seen so much and has so much to tell but we were divided by language.
So I study his image, I look deep into the face I now have before me and all I can do is wonder, what has those wrinkles seen, what has those eyes witnessed, what I see is the passing of time etched there for all to see. Worn as a medal of survival of his time here on this planet, someone most would not give a second glance to but the lines he wears shows his true beauty.
So I study his image, I look deep into the face I now have before me and all I can do is wonder, what has those wrinkles seen, what has those eyes witnessed, what I see is the passing of time etched there for all to see. Worn as a medal of survival of his time here on this planet, someone most would not give a second glance to but the lines he wears shows his true beauty.