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Lust from Full Metal Alchemist.

Photo by the awesome :icone3studios: and editing help by :iconbeethy: Go check out their awesome!

Lust cosplayed by myself. Go check out some other photos and updates at my facebook: [link]

I'm waiting


Forsaken Stairs


Snow Leopard -2

Rush Time

Repainting VS Factory Makeup: Howleen Wolf


If you like Monster High Dolls come join :icondamonsterhighdolls:
:star: In case you are interested I take commissions, more info here [link] :star:

Howleen was repainted by me

my original repaint work on an Howleen Stein MH
Right: the factory makeup that Howleen Stein come with

I did this repainting some weeks ago, but I was more excited about the BJD makeup so I wanted to submit those photos before.
This is Howleen Wolf (little sister of Clawdeen and Clawd Wolf)
this one have some improvements, so in a way is best than the other ones but still I'm not sure if I like it, because I had an accident with one of her cheeks...
so here's my critique:
I put excesive and too much dark blushing, and not in the same cheek area
her freckles are too dark and makes she looks sick
I used too much sealant on her and the face looks dirty and lumpy

the onlt thing I like about it are the eyes, still not symetric at all but I see a big improvement on them, at last I drew them with only the pencils and not the brushes, and it was all thanks to the :iconamber-honey: multiple tips :heart:
I prefer to paint BJDs, but I want to do it good with MHs too, now it's something personal

feel free to critique to help me get better, but please be respectful with my work! I put a lot of time and effort on this :)

:star: my Flickr: [link]
:star: my Blog: [link]
:star: my We:heart:It: [link]


Go Slow

Take a break from everything and just look... and feel :heart:

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Copyright © wnison.deviantart.com
Do not reproduce, copy, edit, publish, transmit or upload in any way without my written permission.


Red City under water.

The Work Area

I don't know why, but I decided to post a picture of my work area. I guess just for the sake of filler during my art block and everything.

And yes, you can see my hamster standing up really tall if you look in the mirror above the desk.

And no, it's not always this messy.

And yes, the Green Guy is going to make a brief appearance in Episode 12.

The Lantern

Just a random lantern~~

Taken with Canon EOS 600D / Rebel T3i

no title


Yes! I went mad with the over saturating again

Paulina II

Sleeping Beauty

You R very welcome here ---> [link] :)

photo from workshops with Anka Zhuravleva <3

model: Ola
mua: Paula Kokowska




Some of you may remember the first section of the South Manchester Line of Manchester Metrolink which opened a couple of years ago:

On 23rd May the remaining section to East Didsbury was also opened. Again the route re-uses much of the original Manchester South District Line of the former Cheshire Lines Committees railways, which being an express line out of the former station at Manchester Central was mostly arrow straight, and indeed still is as is shown here.

The station itself isn't an original site for a railway station, it's a newbuild along the former heavy rail route to allow the new light rail service to better serve the local communities. Withington station isn't anything special, just a couple of lifts and staircases from the road bridge at one end down to a set of twin platforms at track level, located right at the southern end of Hough End Playing Fields on Princess Road, one of the main artery routes to the city of Manchester itself, and the road that crosses the bridge from which this shot was taken.

rainy days.

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