The Hills Of Indigo Blue
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Photo by Kev Cool / Latex panties by DawnaMatrix

Eye Contact BW

Yes, it's alive and wild :>
Facebook: [link]
Hälsingland, Sweden. Retouched in PS CS6.
All images are ©copyright Robin Hedberg.
You may NOT use, replicate, manipulate, or modify this image without my permission. All Rights Reserved.

Dreamworld 2
Idol of Roses.Iconic Soul.
To Hold

...and to keep safe...


Star Trek - Your captain and my best man
Wow! I wouldn't have thought that our Star Trek cosplay would be so highly appreciated! Thank you very much, everybody!
You? At his side, as if you've always been there and always will.
I love Star Trek. I mean - I love it. It's the first fandom I've ever really been into. I've been a Trekker for almost twenty years now.
When I went to watch Into Darkness with *Ravenic, I just thought that the movie would probably not be that good. In the end I enjoyed it, although taking the best moments from an established fandom and plastering them together is not really an acceptable method of script-writing, the movie added nothing to the fandom and I love the old crew about a thousand times more than the new one (although it's a good re-cast and there's no one who totally sucks, but there's so much I'm just NOT ok with, I can't discuss that here) -- but the most remarkable thing about Into Darkness is that it has turned *Ravenic into a Star Trek fan.
I never would have guessed that. Never. I'm used to people disliking Star Trek. And suddenly there she is and she BREATHES it.
So after a week, she asked me if I would cosplay it with her.
I had to think about that for 24 hours. I never had to when it came to cosplay, but to be honest, these characters are somewhat holy to me. But she was just so damn happy when I agreed, it can't have been a bad decision.
So here I am, cosplaying William Shatner. I still don't know what to think of me XD
So I bring you some Star Trek cosplay. Partly inspired by Into Darkness, for *Ravenic, partly from the original series, for me.
Hope you enjoy your space husbands!
*Ravenic as Spock
*NanjoKoji (me) as James T. Kirk
photo by !MissMindCrush
You? At his side, as if you've always been there and always will.
I love Star Trek. I mean - I love it. It's the first fandom I've ever really been into. I've been a Trekker for almost twenty years now.
When I went to watch Into Darkness with *Ravenic, I just thought that the movie would probably not be that good. In the end I enjoyed it, although taking the best moments from an established fandom and plastering them together is not really an acceptable method of script-writing, the movie added nothing to the fandom and I love the old crew about a thousand times more than the new one (although it's a good re-cast and there's no one who totally sucks, but there's so much I'm just NOT ok with, I can't discuss that here) -- but the most remarkable thing about Into Darkness is that it has turned *Ravenic into a Star Trek fan.
I never would have guessed that. Never. I'm used to people disliking Star Trek. And suddenly there she is and she BREATHES it.
So after a week, she asked me if I would cosplay it with her.
I had to think about that for 24 hours. I never had to when it came to cosplay, but to be honest, these characters are somewhat holy to me. But she was just so damn happy when I agreed, it can't have been a bad decision.
So here I am, cosplaying William Shatner. I still don't know what to think of me XD
So I bring you some Star Trek cosplay. Partly inspired by Into Darkness, for *Ravenic, partly from the original series, for me.
Hope you enjoy your space husbands!
*Ravenic as Spock
*NanjoKoji (me) as James T. Kirk
photo by !MissMindCrush

Train In The Woods 1
Old train in the woods, no tracks. Don't know how they got it there...

Yeni Mosque,ISTANBUL
Thank you very much my dear friends for the favorite,comment and views ![:) (Smile) :)]()
The work contained in my gallery is copyrighted. All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission.
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Fotoğrafların izin alınmadan kopyalanması ve kullanılması 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasasına göre suçtur..

The work contained in my gallery is copyrighted. All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission.

© Fotoğrafların tüm hakları ve sorumluluğu fotoğraf sahiplerine aittir.
Fotoğrafların izin alınmadan kopyalanması ve kullanılması 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasasına göre suçtur..

red rose

Aren't They Cute?
Hungarian skies pt.CXLVII.
Copyright © 2013 - Zsolt Zsigmond

you're alone now
Y'all know what time it is!
Finally got around to processing more of our Adventure Time cosplay photos! Finally a portrait of The Land of Ooo's favorite hero, Finn the Human!
Aki as Finn the Human
photo by Erving
art direction, post-processing and background composite by me
I like how Aki chose to do Finn's outfit, which is a refreshing change of pace from the usual hat and t-shirt combination.
This was a very fun shoot, and I've got a few more portraits of me and my friends as other characters so I hope you'll stay tuned!
More of my Adventure Time stuff:
Even more in my gallery!
Other places you can find me!
I update here regularly
Tweet me!
Art blog!
Instagram: @jinjoson
"Mathematical!" necklace is from

I like how Aki chose to do Finn's outfit, which is a refreshing change of pace from the usual hat and t-shirt combination.

More of my Adventure Time stuff:

Even more in my gallery!
Other places you can find me!

Milky PinUp A New Wrinkle
Sleep Well
abandoned appartment

Sitting for Detail
I can even see the reflection of my log house in his eye!
The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America.
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America.
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
