KC - late night figure study
Marilyn 18
For more photographs, some question or just to say hi, you can contact me on Facebook. I post a lot more photos there and photography related nonsensical ramblings. Likes and shares always appreciated.
My Tumblr.
Mi Twitter (Se habla español).![:) (Smile) :)]()
![DoNotUsePlz :icondonotuseplz:]()
My Tumblr.
Mi Twitter (Se habla español).

© Uriel Reyes

Almost fell out...
This is a try. I'm not confortable with this technic for the moment but i'll try to improve...
What do you think?
Taken with 100mm 2.8 macro + extension tubes
Comments and faves are always appreciated!
Please, if you like it, fav it, do not just download it...
Do not hesitate to visit my gallery if you like my work! [link]
What do you think?
Taken with 100mm 2.8 macro + extension tubes
Comments and faves are always appreciated!
Please, if you like it, fav it, do not just download it...
Do not hesitate to visit my gallery if you like my work! [link]

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*** RSSing Note: Article removed by member request. ***
Lunch Break
The NEW Landscape Calendar is now available under 'Art Gifts'.
Tired legs having a break at lunch.
Location: Garibaldi Lake, Garibaldi Provincial Park, Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
Equipment: Nikon D90 + Nikon 10-24mm + Tiffen Polarizer
Processing: Photomatix Pro 4.2 and Photoshop CS6 from 3 RAW exposures.
Follow me on: Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr
Please contact with any commercial interests regarding my work.
Tired legs having a break at lunch.
Location: Garibaldi Lake, Garibaldi Provincial Park, Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
Equipment: Nikon D90 + Nikon 10-24mm + Tiffen Polarizer
Processing: Photomatix Pro 4.2 and Photoshop CS6 from 3 RAW exposures.
Follow me on: Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr

Please contact with any commercial interests regarding my work.

R e a d y T o P l a y !
『Kuroko no Basket - 黒子のバスケ』
25/05/13 Novegro Spring Festival @ Milano
@ Kise Ryota
Sezzi @ Kuroko
Jimmy @ Kagami
Gianica @ Akashi
Talete @ Murasakibara
Thanks @
for the picture! (*≧ω≦)ノ
Yeaa finally our KnB cosplay group! Even if we missed Midorima and..MY AOMINE! WHERE ARE YOU? MY TRULY LUV. I can't find anyone D°:
Kise wants his Aominecchi! ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
25/05/13 Novegro Spring Festival @ Milano

Sezzi @ Kuroko
Jimmy @ Kagami
Gianica @ Akashi
Talete @ Murasakibara
Thanks @

Yeaa finally our KnB cosplay group! Even if we missed Midorima and..MY AOMINE! WHERE ARE YOU? MY TRULY LUV. I can't find anyone D°:
Kise wants his Aominecchi! ヽ(#`Д´)ノ


Amazing Kittie is Amazed
Name: Aurelka
Breed: Ragdoll
Colour: RAG f 04 (Seal Tortie Mitted)
Gender: female
Age: 4 months old
All of our animal photos can be used as stock for non-commercial use (digital or traditional drawings and photo-manipulation). Under every of our newer pictures there is an option that allows you to download the larger version of the image for 0,10$ / 8 points - it's symbolic price and it would be nice if you used it, but don't feel obligated if don't feel like doing it.
What you must do, is crediting us under the description and sending us the effect of your work.
Breed: Ragdoll
Colour: RAG f 04 (Seal Tortie Mitted)
Gender: female
Age: 4 months old

All of our animal photos can be used as stock for non-commercial use (digital or traditional drawings and photo-manipulation). Under every of our newer pictures there is an option that allows you to download the larger version of the image for 0,10$ / 8 points - it's symbolic price and it would be nice if you used it, but don't feel obligated if don't feel like doing it.
What you must do, is crediting us under the description and sending us the effect of your work.

Memories Of Green II
photographed by O. Pliszczyńska
styling/modeling/processing: me
music:"MEMORIES OF GREEN" by Vangelis [link]
My artwork may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my permission.
© All rights reserved
styling/modeling/processing: me
music:"MEMORIES OF GREEN" by Vangelis [link]
My artwork may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my permission.
© All rights reserved

Miku Hatsune Cosplay #1

rainy days and mondays
:: Brooklyn Bridge under construction


That burns my empty heart to dust

Secret Rose II
Copyright © by RazielMB-PhotoArt. All rights reserved.
My Artworks and photography are registered and protected by Safe Creative.
My artwork and photography may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.
My Artworks and photography are registered and protected by Safe Creative.
My artwork and photography may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.

Stylish Station II

Thank you very much my dear friends for the favorite,comment and views ![:) (Smile) :)]()
The work contained in my gallery is copyrighted. All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission.
© Fotoğrafların tüm hakları ve sorumluluğu fotoğraf sahiplerine aittir.
Fotoğrafların izin alınmadan kopyalanması ve kullanılması 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasasına göre suçtur..

The work contained in my gallery is copyrighted. All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission.

© Fotoğrafların tüm hakları ve sorumluluğu fotoğraf sahiplerine aittir.
Fotoğrafların izin alınmadan kopyalanması ve kullanılması 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasasına göre suçtur..

Outer State
In the tunnel of shadows.
© Jonathan Danker
My images are posted here for your enjoyment only. All rights are reserved. Please contact me @ jonathan@anselmedia.com if you are interested in using one of my images for any reason.
As an initiative to make my works more exposed and for you, the viewer to have a more easier experience, I have created a facebook page for my photography.
Please visit, like it and comment and I hope to see you there!
Thanks for the support and encouragement!
© Jonathan Danker
My images are posted here for your enjoyment only. All rights are reserved. Please contact me @ jonathan@anselmedia.com if you are interested in using one of my images for any reason.
As an initiative to make my works more exposed and for you, the viewer to have a more easier experience, I have created a facebook page for my photography.
Please visit, like it and comment and I hope to see you there!
Thanks for the support and encouragement!

Tribal Voodoo Trio
A few days ago I had a fantastic photo shoot in the mountains with these three wonderful people, Mikaela, Chelsey and Antonina.
Hopefully it's not too odd for my gallery?
Hopefully it's not too odd for my gallery?

Fantasweet BW
Supergirl / Batgirl