"The crawling mist overwhelmed this valley during our visit, making it
even more “magic”. This is, I guess, the moment I personally liked the
most during our stay.
It may be some more surrealistic image in its slightly experimental
processing, but it is linked in some way to the visions that haunt my
spirit. The ochre transitions through the softness of the mist… And
the oppressive side of the mountains that were surrounding us… The
sun remained quite nebulous behind a thin cloud veil (which I normally
hate), but the mist changed everything. A thousand ideas came into my
mind when it arrived; we were all running a bit everywhere, I also got
bogged down once more in a bunch of bushes that were too big, I
couldn’t get out and yet I had to hurry.
Then there was that man, more or less out of nowhere, with only his
stick and jean shirt… A thin silhouette fitting pretty well to the
mood, I would have liked to use him more but I didn’t dare disturbing
him… Besides the mist was leaving quickly, it was… really a particular
moment, and rare… out of time.
13mm (canon 8-15 fisheye) – Torres Del Paine – Patagonia 2013"
Translated from my french page ( facebook ) by Adrien =>
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Ethereal nature collection 2013
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