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T 52


A romp in the park

Bite of Pleasure

Never Ending


Springtime 2013, The Netherlands

:peace: ©2008-2013 =Oer-Wout
All rights reserved: all material in my gallery may not be reproduced,
copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way!


Burning Passion

I finally got a little bit creative again :la:
The quality isn't the best, but i am still happy with the photo :aww:
( everything is real ! )


Mary wig

Mary - .hack//Quantum
I used two wigs 150cm.
Wig made by me for :iconarisuaiko:

My other works:


moonblossoms II

Sweet Repainted Abbey


If you like Monster High Dolls come join :icondamonsterhighdolls:

Abbey was repainted by me

Do you see improvements in those lips? I won't paint lines of them again at least in MH dolls, I just don't like them anymore. Personally I really love the lips here, but I know the eyes are a mess >< again, I tried to put a lot of detail on them and it was too much for me. I must print on my forehead "SIMPLE, DO IT SIMPLE DAMN IT!!"
ok, I'm angry with myself for that >< now I think I have lips under control I really feel I NEED to improve the eyes. I really need to.

Name: Abbey
Gender: Female
Session: makeup
Doll: Monster High, Abbey Bominable
Bought from: Juguetoon
Makeup: me

:star: my Flickr: [link]
:star: my Blog: [link]
:star: my We:heart:It: [link]


Seaway 2.0

Long exposure shot, 456 second.
Increased the warmth a little in this as well.

Shot in Sørkjosen, Troms, Northern Norway.

Copyright registered and protected at www.copyrighted.com
Copyright number: 0LOU-5BU1-ZGSS-QKLY


Bugs life

Little Olli

I was called by the head of the cataid organisation and was asked if I want to take pictures of some cute Babies-cats. Kittens were mostly raised in helping families, because that is the best way for a good sozialisation and prevents infections which could occur in the cat-shelter. So my girlfriend and me drove to the family and when we came in the Woman who raised kittens smirked at us, gave us a note and mentioned that we had to name the kittens first :aww:
We considered hard and suddenly my girlfriend grabbed the note and named this little critter Olli. So the kitten became my namesake. She said that little Olli was the most hungry one in the litter so he HAD to be named after me :rofl:

Name: Olli
Gender: Babyboy
Age: 2 weeks :aww:
Location: Nursery station of the cat aid
Status: Snuggling with Mommy and sibeling till he get old enough for a new home :aww:

FAQ: [link]

If you like my work please "like" My Facebook Page :huggle:

>>> Copyright © Oliver Pietern 2013. All Rights Reserved. <<<

Untitled 2599


Amanda 2

Codename Sailor V

Hey everyone!
Here's the first picture of my Sailor V costume I wore at Dokomi last weekend. It was so stressful, I never expected to have nice pictures of this costume! The shooting near the Rhine was really spontaneous and the outcome is just gorgeous! ♥
Many thanks to B1NH Photography for this wonderful photo!

photo by [link]
:iconprincess-soffel: as Sailor V

also on FB: [link]

Midnight Journey

Orientalism 5

Chemical Wedding

Photo by ~luez2
Model Me *CrowsReign
Make up by Stella Pantoflatzi
Hair Styling by Katerina Matraka Koukles
Wedding dress by Idiorama Gamos Vaptisi
Special thanx to Mara Mos
Title by Bruce Dickinson [link]

"How happy is the human soul
Not enslaved by dull control
Left to dream and roam and play
Shed the guilt of former days
Walking on the foggy shore
Watch the waves come rolling home
Through the veil of pale moonlight
My shadow stretches out its hand
And so we lay, we lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day
And so we lay, we lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day
Floating in the endless blue
My seed of doubt I leave to you
Let it wither on the ground
Treat it like a plague you found
All my dreams that were outside
In living colour, now alive
And all the lighthouses
Their beams converge to guide me home
And so we lay, we lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day
And so we lay, we lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day.."

:facebook: Please join my Facebook Page for more updates!!!! [link] And help me spread the word!!!:facebook:
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