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Walk Of Memories

And now leaving the stage clear again for my awesome Dad who took this photo in the GDR in 1984. The sordid Scenery of Halle (my hometown) and this walking old lady were the motif for this wonderful piece of photographic art. <3


.:Sell:. 2 inch Sonic and Tails and Vanellope

2" Classic Sonic (three in stock) - $5
2" Classic Tails (two in stock) - $6
12" Vanellope von Schweetz plush - $30
Not photo'd:
2" Classic Knuckles - $8
2" Classic Super Sonic -$12
6 pack with Classic Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Metal Sonic, and Super Sonic - $35

Shipping and handling is separate depending on what you buy and your location. Please ask for a quote.

Their card backings were detached as the glue somehow aged enough that it was no longer adhesive. I re-glued them. Let me know if you prefer them without the packaging.

caroline aquino

the pumpkin king

and for the end of weekend snaps , here it is .
Yuzo-chan and Aya .
the pumpkin kings !(queens).
not sure if anyone will understand the meaning but ,
too bad . . ..
they still are anyways : )


Copyright © jyoujo ( Yoshi ).
All rights reserved.
My images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
music ~love
a l w a y s !


i 'm sure we'll grow ...
but we'll never bloom again...


Bailey and Carlotta 05

Nearly a year and a half later I found myself inspired to go back and into the vault and post some of the shots of 2 of my favorite models together. I remember feeling I could retire after this lol. As always I love respectful feedback and critique, thank you :)

Colors of Love

My BJD Family

I've wanted to do a group photo of my dolls for quite awhile now, so I finally did so today.

:giggle: I think my boy Raven, looks rather pleased to be surrounded by so many girls.

I never thought I'd ever end up with 4 of them. I was so amazed back when I got my first that I never even though I'd end up with more. I'm not currently planning to get more... but if I ever did, I think I'd save up for a Saber Lily DD by Volks... although I'd probably have to sell a kidney to ever afford her. ^^;

From left to right:
Saber Extra (Volks), Raven (Luts Moon), Nell (Luts Lishe), and Neris (Volks).

-Photo by me.
-Taken in my room in front of my figure cabinets.
-I have more photos of them posted here: [link]

:facebook: -Facebook-
-Commission info-

Photo © copyright =keelerleah (me)
Do not re-post, resubmit or edit this picture. You Can't use the pictures for layouts, blogs, websites, myspace, banners, designs, posters, cd, books etc without accessing a written permission from me.


Pisces Eyes

hi! actually, i'm really really busy right now, i'm studing 4 my final exams :S
They start at Dec. 10th
Wish me good luck please!!!!!
Right now i have just uploaded some awesome pic i just found somewhere in internet <33
Yush! i'm pisces <333
and as well, i love this pic c:

new born

welcome the empty blood. it has taken over.

(day ninety-nine)

preach it; our art is free - join THE ART WARRIORS
photography & edit (c) me
model: me
equipment used: canon eos 1000D & canon 50mm f/1.4;
facebook fanpage

    do not use my photos without my written permission!


CAUTION Love potion

If you drink it... there's no way back

don't look

Another on Tumblr: [link]

Roman - CP Delf Breakaway08 Vamp. Mod
Faceup/Mods: *onegreyelephant

:bulletred: Doll FAQ :bulletred:

Original characters, story, and photos © R727 (2008-2012)
My photos are NOT stock. Do not edit, repost, or use without permission.

YJ: Headstrong

Updated Batgirl for Youmacon! There's still a lot more I want to fix up, thankfully it's slooowly but surely coming together! Hopefully I'll have time to remake and repair this costume before C2E2. :3

To see this costume in action, check our our Batman Cosplay Showcase Video that our friend George filmed at Youmacon! [link]


:orange: C o s p l a y e r s
[ Young Justice: Invasion ]
:iconcatalystsirene: ...................... Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
Cowl by ReevzFX. [link]

:orange: P h o t o g r a p h y
[ Taken @ Youmacon '12 (Detroit, MI) ]
:iconfuzzypanda0: ...................... Mitch S.




The NEW 2013 Landscape Calendar is now available! To order, select 'Art Gifts' on the right after clicking the link.

Location: Terra Nova, Richmond, Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
Equipment: Nikon D90 + Nikon 10-24mm.
Technique: Photomatix Pro 4.2 and Photoshop CS6 from 3 x RAW shot in 1.5 EV intervals.
Follow me on: Facebook | Tumblr

Please contact with any commercial interests regarding my work.


Model - Jessa

"Changeable. Alterable. Mutable. Variable. Versatile. Moldable. Movable. Fluctuate. Undulate. Flicker. Flutter. Pulsate. Vibrate. Alternate."

From "THX 1138", by George Lucas


© 2004-2012 Jaime Ibarra Photography | www.ibarraphoto.com

My work is protected under copyright law. My images are not produced, represented, sold, distributed, or licensed as stock photography. You may not use, print, distribute, reproduce, alter, edit, or manipulate my work in any way, either in it's entirety, or in portion, without express written consent and license from me.

In other words, don't steal...make your own.

Rainbow Pile of Octopus

Available now in our shop:
Buy yours now! Visit the Cute Storm Webshop!

Love our stuff? Follow us on Facebook!
Click here to join our FaceBook fan page! www.CuteStorm.com


These cute, soft, pastel colored octopi are sure to make you smile. Once you pick it up, you won't want to put it back down! Our octopi love to play, perch and pose, make one your new best friend (or make you best friends day by giving them a fun little gift!). Octopi are also masters of surprise, they love to get into all kinds of mischief together.

More colors & sizes available in our shop: [link]

We carefully design all our own patterns and have been making these cuties for years now, you won't find a cuter or better made plushie! Each octopus has its own unique personality because each was hand crafted with love.
Our designs are unique to our shop, and the quality is unparalleled! You won't find a better plush, anywhere!

More cuteness:

NO derivative works, in any format, medium or form of ANY part of my works. Click either copyright notice for details.


Cider Basking

Yet another picture of my baby Cider basking on his branch x3
He looks so majestic in this picture, haha.

Cider + Photo (c) Me

in the city of scummy waters

Had some fun today with ~DrOfPhotography this was taken at night btw..
More to come. Don't know even what I'm doing! Probably some stalker sets. NEED TO BUY AK47! And get some more props. Too bad that every military garment Ive bought smells of that musty tang of damp! Blah! Had some gear, but if I wore it, I would never get the smell out of my skin!

Photographer: :icondrofphotography:
Model: Me

Last Christmas

Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day, you gave it away ...This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special!.(88)*-* yaps8D no sabia que titulo ponerle al blend(-8 creo que la cage con el texto e.é pero bueno igual me gusto 8'D

ps:chsm la copiona que hiso unos styles iguales que los mios-.-&todabia dicen que no roban ni modifican(--8 tipico e.é <--sigo molesta porque soy bien sentida:L

Milk n Honey

Did you know I love legs? No? DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME AT ALL? :XD:

Anyhow... Kyo. Kyos leg. In those fucking awesome jeans! He does wear them so much better that my Dollfie dream girl... So tight and yummy... :drool:

Doll: Kyo - luts delf EL

FAQ & BLOG & tumblr <-- Please read if you wondering anything about my dolls.

Kyo & photography© =lajvio

My photography is NOT stock. Do not reuse, repost or redistribute without my permission.

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