been out to London recently and been finding LOADS of signs and symbols (which have been there for YEARS!) that seem to relate to Assassins Creed
so i snippidy snapped them on my camera
![:D (Big Grin) :D]()
This one was found at the top of a hill RIGHT by the Observatory in London.. in front of a statue with the name 'Wolfe' on it
ive JUST noticed the ship icon on the right, and funny enough.. i went to see a ship in london too! called 'cutty sark'.. which isn't far from the 'fast travel' XD
If you've played AC3, and remember a mission called 'Boston tea party'.. MMMMMMM!! *frantically points at ship*
'cutty sark' was in that mission! XD
that's why i love Assassins creed.. a lot of it IS based on true events, people etc (past events that is)
learn more from the game rather than a history teacher!
so if any one goes into London, and would like to fast travel XD.. head for the Observatory (the only one in London apparently)
you can see the statue from the bottom of the hill.. (kinda looks like Haytham from a distance XD)
up the hill and there infront of the statue
![:D (Big Grin) :D]()
must of been funny to see people takin photos of the scenery.. and then there's me taking pics of the floor XD