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One of my most colorful visitors in the spring.

Baltimore Oriole
Vestal, New York
Canon 7D / EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM

© Melissa Mancuso Penta // All Rights Reserved
Do not duplicate or distribute this photo without permission

Like Ivy

Oh that hair...

"It's the weather... "

LeeAnn is a Supia Lana


A taste of what's to come...

Just to show you guys I'm still hard at work despite not having my computer, here's a pic of the 5 most recent pages I've done for DBNA.

The top 3 pages are the (unfinished) pages of DBNA Chapter Zero.

The two bottom pages are re-draws for Chapter 1.

SEGAMew's VHS and DVD Liquidation Sales

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I raided my old house and decided to past down some of my old memories to you guys. It's mostly video cassettes and will require a VCR to play them. These are classic Disney stuff as well as stuff for young children.

The prices are labeled directly on the photo. Just in case it's not clear enough, I'll break it down for you guys :)

:bulletorange: The top rack consists of items I would consider more niche and would likely have a higher price tag to go with them (compared to Disney videos in which EVERYONE owns). Swan Princess has some sentimental value and I prefer to sell them as a set of three for $20 (I found all of them excellent animations, especially the first one). For Land Before Time, well... how can you go wrong with dinosaurs. We lost the first (and best) video of Land Before time, so only #2 through 5 are available. Unlike Swan Princess, you don't have to purchase all of the Land Before Times.
:bulletorange: The 2nd shelf and part of the 3rd shelf is full of old Disney Classics (with the exception of Belle's Tales of Friendship). If you don't already own or at least seen these, well shame on you. No worries however, now you can purchase them from me for $4 each. Old Yeller will punch you in the feels. As will The Fox and the Hound.
:bulletorange: 3rd shelf (talking about the non Disney bits) is misc animation gems of the 90's (+ Free Willy and Dennis the Menace). If you care, The Pebble and the Penguin and Thumbelina are Don Bluth's works and We're Back! is Steven Spielberg's. Excellent pieces of animation here!
:bulletorange: The last shelf is full of stuff geared towards young kids (except Halloween Tree, Pocahontas, Cathy Rigby's Peter Pan, and Lassie in The Painted Hills, these can be for general audiences).
:bulletorange: The conditions of the large VHS boxes range from "usable" to "alright". Many of the Disney Classics still have their grey Walt Disney sticker seal on the box (but heavily aged)
:bulletorange: All purchases is as-is. All of the VHSs not in the kiddy shelf worked the last time I viewed them (which unfortunately could be anywhere from 10 to 20 years ago).
:bulletorange: Due to how cheap I'm selling these (the MAJORITY of them have been purchased at $19.99+ California tax), they won't qualify for free gifts.

Accepted forms of payment:

:bulletgreen: Paypal
:bulletgreen: Google Wallet
:bulletgreen: Money Order
:bulletgreen: Personal Check (won't send until cleared in bank)
:bulletgreen: Cash (any real world currency)
:bulletgreen: Western Union (+10% fee)
:bulletgreen: Trade (talk to me)
:bulletgreen: dA Points ($1 = 100 points)

Notes to be aware of:

:bulletblue: I ship internationally
:bulletblue: Shipping and handling prices are separate, please ask for a quote.
:bulletblue: If you don't like the price, you're more than welcome to haggle, but chances are I won't be haggled down too much unless you're making a huge purchase.
:bulletblue: Every one of these has been bought at their original retail store prices for that time era (don't ask why we bought Sword in the Stone x2 from two different time periods).
:bulletblue: Please no rude comments regarding my prices.
:bulletblue: Please ask any questions you may have!



though the winter is near here and the waterfalls are flowing greatly again..there is always a short dryspell in the autumn, union creek falls rectifies that spell with its year long flows..though the road to it closes when the snow becomes to much to manage.

union creek falls
near chinook pass just east of mt rainier

please dont use my images in any way without my permission..thank you :)

Nina x Cammy


Ocean Moon T




PSWG Bunny :: Thanks 4 all Support

Thank You So Much Everyone! Im glad that a lot of people like my costumes! I really like reading your comments! Hope that you will continue to support my work! ♥

Have a great week!
And NEVER let anyone bring you down!
Cosplay is for FUN! Let haters, hate! just be youself! and be happy! *_~b

if you like my work, and have fb account, please LIKE my Fanpage: [link]

Big Kisses! =***

Photo by :iconrafaelpaper:

Untitled 3822

Hanging on a Curtain



Thank you for the 100,000+ page views and for the 2600+ watchers!

I couldn't have done it with you!
Thank you for making it all worth it! :blowkiss:

I know- I know, the doll looks nothing like me. :lol:
It's not me though, this is a mini Bebe doll (This is mini popoks, Bebe! One of my dearest friends.)

I just felt like saying thank you . . . okay.
:la: Now back to my homework!

I hope you like it.
Thank you for the views, faves, and comments.:heart:


Red Shoes

Tiny Town

Photo taken in my neighborhood of Pasadena. Practicing tilt shift photography.

Pure heart


for those who are confused....
Ashton isn't human..and he somewhat follows hunter around.
Call him ghost or demon or guardian u may want to..but he's just not human

photostory of hunter/ashton here to explain their relationship

& ashton have mentioned..only two types of people can see him
the ones he allow..or the one with really pure heart..
and i guess shinjiro is really a sweet boy with a heart of gold. Ready to love and help anyone :heart:

i really enjoy doing photos like this~ i like to explain and share my OC into bjds form and into a story~
i hope you guys like it :)

Ashton l Shinjiro both are boys and belongs to me :)

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