Superman & wonderwoman costume made by me!!!
Superman is milskin spandex, airbrushed, with a heavy satin cape. The belt and black on the chest symbol are faux leather heat n bonded on! Wonder woman is a pair of boots purchased from ebay, painted red with angelus leather pain and taken in. The skirt is made of a thick cotton jersey, two circle skirts finished on the bottom with a pearl hem. The stars are satin, heat n bonded on - there are over 50 of them on the skirt!! The belt is faux leather, attaches with a snap in the front, the belt buckle is made by adam/Dr. Teng out of craft foam and wood filler! The top is made of two tone black/red dupioni silk, interfaced with two layers of thick cotton twill and lined in extra superman cape fabric which i thought was kawaii. Boned with spiral steel boning and steel stays. Zips up the back with a thick plastic zipper! The armor is faux black leather heat n bonded to styrene and glued onto the finished bodice WHICH WAS VERY SCARY TO DO but totally worked!!! Gauntlets are made out of styrene spray painted and close with velcro, the tiara is also styrene spray painted with a gold star stud that had been painted red glued on, stays on with elastic! Wig is an arda lacefront! The LASSO OF TRUTH is made from 15 yards worth of gold trim that I hand sewed together which took foreverrrr
Red Son is my absolute favorite superman story and it's actually the first comic i read that make me like superman!!! Adam and i have basically been planning making these costumes since i read the comic like 3 years ago so i'm THRILLED OUT OF MY MIND to finally get to cosplay it!!!!
[m o s t f l o g g e d] »
Mera costume worn & made by by
MostfloggedSuperman worn by
drtengPhotography by Lazy cat photography @ FB