Midnight in Pori
Sexy Howleen Repaint

If you like Monster High Dolls come join

Howleen was repainted by me
so yeah, new Howleen repainting! I tried to make her look cute, but her eyes came out sexy and her eyebrows... I don't knot what to say about them cuz IDK what they express. I had a mistake again with the eyes and I couldn't draw them with pencils >< I prefer how they look when I use pencils, but maybe next time
and don't worry, I'll submit more photos of her showing her hair and clothes, it's just I love how she wears the latex gloves xD
feel free to critique to help me get better, but please be respectful with my work! I put a lot of time and effort on this

part II
Haunted Manor
Front Yard Roses
Thought I would preserve a shot of the blooms from the rose bush in my front yard before they are gone till fall.

Lie Down and Be Quiet!
Copyright 2013 Andrew Mann, all rights reserved. May not be duplicated, forwarded or displayed without my prior written consent. This is the first in a series of two photos.

Strawberry Cat
Aww man, look at this cuteness! i didn't take that picture, my friend did, and she sent the picture for me and i said for my self " i need to submit this!" and now it's in here ![=D (Big Grin) =D]()


The Old Chemist Shop
Victorian shop, This is actually a working shop...

Howl's Moving Castle: Sunny Day
beauty by zieniu
here's a result of my photo workshops. If you want to check 'how we create magic' or in other words 'the before' I invite you here [link]
![:) (Smile) :)]()
model: Klaudia Łosin,
makeup: Alicja Nowak,
Photo: Tomasz Zienkiewicz | zieniu.pl;
shot at: zieniu studio, Warsaw, Poland
you can like the photo also on facebook
all copyright reserved to Tomasz Zienkiewicz
any use without written permission from the author is not allowed.
visit my portfolio

model: Klaudia Łosin,
makeup: Alicja Nowak,
Photo: Tomasz Zienkiewicz | zieniu.pl;
shot at: zieniu studio, Warsaw, Poland
you can like the photo also on facebook
all copyright reserved to Tomasz Zienkiewicz
any use without written permission from the author is not allowed.
visit my portfolio

The Key
Frog wearing umbrella

Relax Under Water

sexy devil
I painted both heads yesterday.
I didn't want to make this vampire head look creepy and bloody as I'm not really into vampires. I thought I'd like it best pretty and sexy instead... and she sure makes more victims this way! ;D
[ doll info: Iplehouse EID Doria - face up by me ]
I didn't want to make this vampire head look creepy and bloody as I'm not really into vampires. I thought I'd like it best pretty and sexy instead... and she sure makes more victims this way! ;D
[ doll info: Iplehouse EID Doria - face up by me ]

Giants Foot
In the darkest corners of the silent Hoh forest, you are able to see the world as it was before man. This is from the higher plains of the forest in the mountainous section where the Elk haven't trample the low growth. Quiet and still, everything grows uninhibited by any outside influence.

Close The Door - Menorca
Zdjęcie z Minorki

View through my Mountain Crystal
