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People are constantly saying:

"It's called Deviant-ART, not Deviant-PORN!".

Well, you are absolutely right, it IS called DEVIANT-art, not PRUDE, CHRISTIAN, or REPRESSED-art.

A "Deviation", is a stray from the norm, the standard, the rule. Funny thing is, if this website actually contained more DEVIANTS, there would be far more open minded people in this community that would appreciate the freedom for people to express themselves in any form they choose. What is the ratio of us "Porn girls" trolling people who produce things we don't like? Not NEARLY as much because we mind our own business and don't feel the need to intrude on your way of life. We are open minded and we don't feel the need to be superior, we are just having fun doing what we love. So, I ask you to take a moment to recognize the name of this website, and to recognize that the people IN CHARGE, WHO MAKE THE RULES, have deemed it perfectly fine to post what we love on this site. IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT, SEND IT TO THE RULE MAKERS, NOT THE RULE FOLLOWERS.


By the way, I have nothing against Christians, I really don't. It is just an easy way to paint the contrast between the two extremes. (Deviants stray from the beaten path-Jesus walked the straight and narrow) Plus, I have actually been told by Christians that I am going to hell for what I do. And I'm not saying they DON'T have that right of expression. They DO, and I embrace the freedom... What I do If I see something on this site that I don't like, is just move on and give POSITIVE ENERGY to the people that produce things I DO like.

What a wonderful world this will be once everyone realizes they can get MORE FOR THEMSELVES out of people if they just give love and positivity. Consider it selfish altruism.

This image has caused a lot of debate between two main groups of people and I want to add my thoughts. If you take the time to read them, I truly appreciate it, as it is a lot to read, but if you choose not to read them and continue to post negativity or something that makes it obvious you have not read the following, I will from here on out ignore you.

My FINAL thoughts on Art.

The truth has been right in front of all of us our entire lives, and yet it goes unnoticed by everyone all the time. (the exception is SO small, that I will not even bother changing the way I stated that)

This website deals with "Art", but the application of what I am going to discuss covers pretty much everything.

When you were a kid, perhaps you hated a certain food. It may have seemed like the grossest thing ever. And now, for those of you who like that food, let me asked you "What has changed?"

When you were a little child, and you saw the opposite sex, and they were gross or weird to you, but now you find the opposite sex attractive, I ask you this: "What has changed?"

To those of you who were against guns, and then found yourselves in a situation where having one would have saved lives, but did not have one... If you now carry a gun because of that, let me ask you "What has changed?"

To those of you who were into one type of music as a young adult, and now no longer like those songs you used to like... "What has changed?"

To those of you who used to work your ass off and complain about people on unemployment: If you no longer have a job and find unemployment a life-line.... "What has changed?"

To those who were afraid of, or held a negative feeling about a different race or person: After you found someone from that race that you actually liked, "What changed?"

To those of you who said hurtful things to others just because it made you feel good or you thought it was funny: When you were the recipient of your own medicine, and it caused you to see the hurt that you had caused... "What changed?"

To the men that find a woman super attractive: When that person showed you something that you hated about them, and they stopped being attractive... "What changed?"

To those of you who curse at the person in traffic who cuts you off: When you found yourself in the same situation and it ended up being an accidental thing, and you realized it may have also been an accident for the person you cursed at... "What changed?"

Here is the answer, and the only answer that it will ever be.

YOU CHANGED. Your perspective and perception of things changed. The food did not change in taste, your ability to taste changed. The opposite sex became appealing because your mind and body changed. The gun became a tool and you realized it is the person on the end of it that can be the problem. The music did not change, your ability to see it in comparison to other things changed. The person on unemployment, was now you and you could finally understand what a blessing it was to be able to eat in an economy where you lost your job and had trouble finding a replacement. You became able to realize what it feels like to wish you could contribute to society when no one gave you the chance you know you deserve. That type of person that you were afraid of did not necessarily change, they just showed you that there are good people of all types.

All the things, events and people we experience in life are never fully seen for what they are. We cannot possibly see things for what they are because we use filters to make life manageable. We see things through filters of experience. Our previous experiences with them cause us to develop a database that gives us a bias about those things.

If one man's trash can be another man's treasure, it is not about the object, but about the person perceiving that object. This is true of ALL things we experience in this existence.

So with art (whether it be music, visual, performing or anything) we are only seeing the result of our experiences in this life.

To tell another person that how they view their world is not true, is YOU assuming that you have seen and understood all there is to see about it and that you have NO FILTERS blocking you from reality. the very fact that someone can see something differently than you, would be evidence that you have not seen things from there perspective yet.

The main issue in this world is there is a division of perception, and each individual automatically and subconsciously assumes that their belief has the most validity. And that includes what I am writing at this moment. I do not personally declare it as truth, but I recognize it as my personal perspective. No one person has any more validity to their judgement than anyone else when it comes to experience.

And i do not mean experience in terms of "How to do a job" I mean it in the way of gaining perspective from a continual encounter of different things.

"This is awesome!" until there is something more awesome. Then, that first experience is less awesome because there is something to compare it to. Did the event change, or did our awareness simply expand to include new possibilities?

It is REALLY that simple. If you don't like something, and yet someone does, it is the most obvious clue that it is the persons personal perspective that is not allowing them to like it! There can be nothing wrong with the THING itself.

Problem is, we like to think that we are right and others are wrong. This mindset is what causes ALL of the hatred in the ENTIRE WORLD. There is no right or wrong, there is only perspective.

The way this relates to art is not different than any of the above examples. If you are a "prude" and do not like nudity, it is not nudity that is wrong. It is not even your perspective that is wrong. There is no wrong. nudity just is, and your perspective just is. If you are a "Deviant" and you love nudity, it is not the nudity that is good, it is just the perspective you hold based on your life experience. Your opinion is no more factual then the person who says it is not art.

I do not use the word "experience" to separate people into different levels of "higher" and "lower" either. I want to make that clear. There is only "This" and a different "This"

One person says something is art, another that it is not. If these were the ONLY two people on the planet, who would be right?

Again I want you to think about this. If these were the ONLY 2 people in existence and they held opposing views... WHO IS CORRECT?

If your thought is to say "I don't know I'd have to see it to determine for myself if it's art or not" then simply ask the question again. What would make you any more correct than anyone else? NOTHING.

neither of them are right or wrong ultimately, and having a planet filled with 7 billion opinions does not change the fact that a thing is a thing as long as two opposing views on it exist.

As a child we determine concretely and with no ability to be wrong, that certain foods are disgusting. As an adult, we then tell our children concretely that those same exact foods taste really good and you should eat them.

We are asleep, we are literally hypnotized, drowned in delusion NOT to notice this practice of self-deception.

The image "DeviantART not JesusART" is not me saying what art IS or IS NOT. it is simply me making the point of the name of this website implies art of a "Deviant" nature.

I have read every single comment, and followed journals and comments about this image and all I see is the delusion and separation. And both of them think they are right.

That brings me to another extremely important thing, so I have to move on and I hope those of you reading this understand what has been expressed so far.

In the hypothetical example of "Only two people in existence" if they are at odds permanently, then there will be an impasse and no progress with be made, as they must work together on some level to survive as a species. In our civilization it is no different. We all depend on each other to some degree. Because this need exists, we have developed languages and symbols to be able to communicate and actually get things done.

So, even though, in a logical sense, things just ARE, we have made agreements to label things to aid in the communication of ideas and ultimately progress humanity.

When we grow up from birth, engrossed in language with ideas being implanted in us without our ability to consciously and intelligently choose them, we just accept them as what is. We call this truth.


To those who speak the English language, you will know what the above collection of symbols (letters) mean. the symbols grouped together form an IMAGE we call a "word". This is the visual form. and it will cause us to generally understand that it is associating that image with this thing that grows on a tree and we can eat it for food.


The above image could have VERY EASILY been used to mean the same thing, but because we have absorbed programming that says it does not mean that, we can look at that word and feel it is completely ridiculous to associate with the fruit that grows on a tree. If you can grasp what I am saying here, take that farther and realize that ART is just a symbol we humans have used to represent something. It is just letters strung together to form a word (symbol) so that we can all pretty much understand what we are talking about the same thing.

Here is the issue with language and words. If i say LOVE you can feel one thing from it. If I say CHILD RAPE, just seeing those letters together to form those words can cause you to feel negative. What I am trying to get at, is just like one man's trash is another man's treasure... one man's words can be trash or treasure as well. so then again we come back to the notion that it is not the word itself that is ANYTHING at all, but our own personal experience with those words that define our associations to them.

So, as a society, we have written this book called a dictionary. it has the meanings of words inside of it that we have agreed upon. and if you notice, there are several definitions to each word usually because words and associations to them vary as I have just said.

So, for the word art, according to the oxford dictionary (which is just one book in which a relatively few people have agree upon word meanings) on this day of Oct 23rd 2012, states art is:

Definition of art

1 [mass noun] the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power: the art of the Renaissance great art is concerned with moral imperfections she studied art in Paris
works produced by human creative skill and imagination: his collection of modern art [as modifier]: an art critic
creative activity resulting in the production of paintings, drawings, or sculpture: she’s good at art

2 (the arts) the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance: the visual arts [in singular]: the art of photography

3 (arts) subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects): the belief that the arts and sciences were incompatible the Faculty of Arts

4a skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice: the art of conversation

As you can see it covers "human expression" for every sense organ a human has.

The debate has been "This is not art, its porn". Well, if we all agree that the oxford dictionary is correct in assigning the meaning correctly to the word "Art" than Porn can be art, because it involves human expression.

The problem that HAS kept, and WILL keep this debate in perpetual discussion, is no longer putting our agreement in what the dictionary says. (Even though we will go back to that same book if it says something we agree with to win at a different argument)

The REAL issue we run into is that when we don't like something, and we are UNABLE to realize it is our personal perception that is causing us not to like something, if it is associated with something we DO like, then the automatic reaction is to discredit it as being associated with what we like.

Hence, people who do not like to see the nude body, (or have been desensitized to the point that certain images of it are no longer "Awesome") will prefer not to associate it as ART.

To a young man, who sees his first pair of breast on the internet from someones blurry, grainy, cellphone pic, it may be the awesomest image that person has seen in his life up until that point. To him, that is art and it blows his mind, and causes him lots of positive energy. To most of us on DA who have seen so many of those images that we are just literally TIRED of them.... it may not blow our minds, but it is only our personal perspective and life experience that causes us to feel that way. The image remains the same, and neither opinion is truly right or wrong.

So, in my images and in all my work, that is why I really have no concern for labeling what I do as art or anything other than self expression. And to those who tell me it is not art, I have no concern for your opinion, just as I have no concern for the opinion when someone says it is a beautiful work of art. It just is, and my photographer wanted to share it with you.

I have nothing to defend ultimately, but since I am here and wish to progress this whole thing in some sort of logical (in my eyes anyway) direction, I choose to love all, and treat others as I would like to be treated. And on that note, if someone needs to use ME as a generality, as I used "Jesus-art" to get some point across, than please go ahead. No one can hurt my feelings because I am not sensitive to anyones opinion but my own, and I realize that mine is based only in relative experience as well.

That does not mean I do not care about you, I surely do, I just (Through my own experience) know that both of our opinions are just as worthless or just as valid... Why defend yourself when you know it doesn't really matter?

Since I live in this world though, I will accept the fact that I have to communicate with this language to express myself. I know each word i say or write, is just a vague symbol that points to what i really mean, and I will just have to try and find others who have the same associations with these ideas that I do. That is what I do with this life.

I do love you all. The prudes (not meant negatively) the deviants, the haters, the lovers. I am just at ease floating around space on this ball, living in complete lack of concern for most things. I enjoy my life more than I ever have, because of the way I view things, and many MANY others that actually take the time to get to know me, thoroughly enjoy spending time and energy with me. Being respectful and loving to others and respecting the idea that they have rights equal to mine, has done me well. and I encourage others to just TRY IT for a year. What do you have to lose? If anything you can find out it is not suited for you and go back to the way you were. I am not TELLING you to change, I am only saying what works for me.

If you happen to have made it through all of this and feel the same way, I invite you to join my new group Love-and-let-live :iconlove-and-let-live:


All images are copyrighted and may not be used without permission. Please do not steal and re-post these images under any circumstance other than PERMISSION GRANTED FROM ME. So PLEASE ASK!!!

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