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Flying is easy, flying is fun!

What a wonderful dolphin :aww:

My mind is still busy with thesis, sorry for low activity guys.


To be honest, when I post dolphin photo, I always feel the strong tendency to disable comments. Why? Because I am not only tired, but FED UP with kids who just saw the Cove and now they consider themselves experts on dolphin captivity. Do not bother, kids. I know ALL those arguments, I used to be anti-dolphinariums as well. But then I read much more info and facst and even some interesting information about your god O'Barry. So all I can recommend is: USE YOUR BRAIN AND STUDY THE ISSUE PROPERLY BEFORE YOU MAKE AN OPINION - and SURELY BEFORE YOU START TEACHING ME!

I, of couse, respect opinions of people who are very interested in an issue, read many books and are still against the dolphin captivity. I have NO problem with that. But I will be always annoyed by kids who base all their attitude on ONE movie, which is in fact no documentary, but rather ideology based movie.


Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, delfin skakavy) from brand new dolphin lagoon ZOO / dolphinarium Nuremberg, Germany :D

For those who love dolphins, there is a DOLPHIN MUG!


:spotlight-left: NEW WOLF CALENDAR FOR 2012 - 2013 WAS JUST RELEASED!!! You can get it FOR FREE!!! :spotlight-right:


:bulletblue: I sell a colourful mug edition with wolf and fox and big cats photos! :aww:


Thank you for your comments and faves :hug:


Name: Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Location: warm and temperate tropical oceans worldwide
Size: 2 - 4 metres long weight: 150 – 650 kg
Diet: fish, cephalopod, crustacean
Conservation status: Least Concern
Interesting facts: dolphin is a mammal, not a fish! Baby dolphins always drink mother milk | dolphins have bigger brains, than humans | dolphins usually live in groups | dolphin is one of few animals, who kill not only for food! Dolphins are well-known for killing porpoises, their smaller "cousins". Male dolphins are also known to rape the females. Male dolphins even kill baby dolphins to make their mothers want to mate again. Dolphins are not that cute and nice animals, as many people think. They have no problem to kill a shark and they sometime annoy or sexually harass swimmers in the sea | dolphins use very effective echolocation to search for prey | dolphins are time to time found washed ashore, too often dying – nobody knows, why this happens.
Relationship with humans: people keep dolphins in aquariums and dolphinarius, where the animals perform special tricks – dolphins very easily learn those tricks | there are scientific researches about dolphins, which usually prove their high inteligence | dolphins appear in many human legends | some dolphins help people to hunt fish throught whole generations of both, people and dolphins | US army uses dolphins, teaching them to find mines and so on... | in some parts of the world, wild dolphins come from their own will to interact with people


To see more, look at my WATER ANIMALS GALLERY :aww:

This photo belongs to me and I can very easily prove, that it was me, who took this shot. So please, respect my copyright :nod: if you want to use my work, ask me first to gain my permission, please! Thank you :lol:

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