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"Your beliefs don't make you a better person. Your behaviour does." - unknown

I strongly believe in this quote. You can sit around all day thinking you need to do this and that, but those things won't happen unless you actually get up and do it. I can certainly relate to it anyway. I've been sitting round thinking I need to do a lot of schoolwork and improve my grades, but that won't happen until I actually put in the effort in and do them.
I also used to have a very ignorant R.E. teacher who would just pride himself on the fact he was a Christian and went round preaching the bible - but he never even followed it himself. He was a complete douche he treated others like utter crap to be honest (since I am an atheist, you can pretty much guess how he treated me..)  Anyway, I have no problem with him being religious, but he really should do the things he preaches and believes because that's what makes a better person. 

Gosh I really have been so busy! I haven't uploaded in about 2 weeks and this picture was taken before heading to work. sitting in a shirt with jeans outside in mid decemeber was not a good idea as I was freezing! that's why I look grumpy, I was just really cold ahahaha . Don't worry - one more week of school left until the holidays and i'll have more time to take better photo's. I'm really that happy with this photo :/ ah well.
I'm British so I spell 'behaviour' with a 'u' in it, sorry Americans. 

Tumblr: jam-bird.tumblr.com/

Enjoy , comment & fave ! ☮



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