So, after five years on DA, you finally know my real name. ![:) (Smile) :)]()

Yes, I have the same first name as Dean Hardscrabble.
![XD :XD:]()

However, I do prefer that you call m Cart as you've always had.
I was originally just going to blur out my name to remain discreet, but I decided to just let it go; like that song Elsa sang in Frozen (my buddy and I watched it earlier today). ![;) (Wink) ;)]()

I designed my birthday cake to look like the one Oozma Kappa had in the beginning of Monsters University...before some jerk went and ate it right out of poor Squishy's hands. Poor baby... turntherightcorner.files.wordp…
Don: Well, hey there! Want to join Oozma Kappa?
Squishy: We have cake!
Yeah, I got the MU art book for my birthday! ![w00t! :w00t:]()

I told my father to get me the soundtrack and the giant Mike Wazowski doll...but he made a BIG mistake and only just got me the DVD, when I already have the Blu-ray disk. He promises to return it and buy the CD and Mike doll like he was supposed to do while my buddy and I are at Disneyland and CA Adventures tomorrow.

Regardless of one wrong gift, this was definitely the BEST birthday ever! Of course, I say that to all my birthday, the best just keeps getting better every year.

Monsters University (c) Pixar