Oh wow! I totally forgot to upload my Ike cosplay here!! ha ha
Yes, I cosplayed Ike (FireEmblem: Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn) 2 years ago for Otakuthon! :) It was tons of fun...other then most the con I felt like a sweaty bag of potatoes dying in the summer heat ha ha ha I look quite boyish in this cosplay lmao HUR MANLYMONY >:D
My friend Andrew made Ragnell (his sword). It was incredibly light! Thank you dude!! :D
Everything else, including the armor, boots, etc. was made by me!
Photographer is : Karen <33
I love Fire Emblem so much and I hope to be able to get more shots of these costume. I want to cosplay other characters as welllll~~ ah![Heart :heart:]()
Yes, I cosplayed Ike (FireEmblem: Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn) 2 years ago for Otakuthon! :) It was tons of fun...other then most the con I felt like a sweaty bag of potatoes dying in the summer heat ha ha ha I look quite boyish in this cosplay lmao HUR MANLYMONY >:D
My friend Andrew made Ragnell (his sword). It was incredibly light! Thank you dude!! :D
Everything else, including the armor, boots, etc. was made by me!
Photographer is : Karen <33
I love Fire Emblem so much and I hope to be able to get more shots of these costume. I want to cosplay other characters as welllll~~ ah